News Announcement

EL Forge: Annual Report And Notice Of 88Th Annual General Meeting Pursuant To Regulation 30 And 34 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015

In Relation to the captioned letter submitted on 29th august 2024 regarding annual report and notice of 88th annual general meeting pursuant to regulation 30 and 34 of sebi(listing obligation and disclosure requirements) regulation 2015 we hereby inform youthat there was an inadvertent typographical error in the covering letter with regard to the timing of annual general meeting and accordingly the time of 88th annual general meeting of the company to be held on wednesday the 25th september 2024 at the registered office of the company at No.1A Sriperumpudur High Road(Via) Singaperumal koil appur village kattankulathur onrium chengalpettu district 603204 be read as 11:45AM instead of 12 Noon.We would like to further inform you that it was a clerical error which was unintentional and not deliberate.

दूसरी कैटेगरी