News Announcement

Camex: : Intimation Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (Listing Obligation And Disclosure Requirement) Regulations. 2015-Commencement Of Commercial/Industrial Production

Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing and Disclosure requirement) Regulations 2016 this is to inform that the Commercial Production of P.E. Wax Chemical Intermediates Plastic Chemicals and Other Equivalent Products has commenced from today at the plant of the Company Located at Revenue Survey No.369. Vadaswami Tal -Kalol Dist : Gandhinagar Gujarat-382721

वैल्यू रिसर्च धनक से पूछें aks value research information

कोई सवाल छोटा नहीं होता. पर्सनल फ़ाइनांस, म्यूचुअल फ़ंड्स, या फिर स्टॉक्स पर बेझिझक अपने सवाल पूछिए, और हम आसान भाषा में आपको जवाब देंगे.