News Announcement

GKB Ophthalmics: Closure of Trading Window

Pursuant to SEBI(Prohibition of Insider Trading ) Regulation 2015 as amended from time to time the "Trading Window" for dealing in the shares of the Company shall remain closed from January 01 2025 till the completion of 48 hours after the declaration of the financial results of the company for the quarter ended December 31 2024.Accordingly all the promoters Directors and Designated Persons of the Company and their immediate relatives are being intimated not to enter into any transaction involving trading in shares of the Company during the period of closure of Trading Window.Further the date of Board Meeting at which the said results will be considered shall be intimated in due course of time.Kindly take the information on record.

वैल्यू रिसर्च धनक से पूछें aks value research information

कोई सवाल छोटा नहीं होता. पर्सनल फ़ाइनांस, म्यूचुअल फ़ंड्स, या फिर स्टॉक्स पर बेझिझक अपने सवाल पूछिए, और हम आसान भाषा में आपको जवाब देंगे.