News Announcement

Colorchips New Media: Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations 2018

In compliance of Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations 2018 we enclose herewith a certificate as required under the aforementioned regulation for the quarter and half year ended 30.09.2024 received from KFIN Technologies Limited RTA of the Company. This is for your information and necessary records.

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कोई सवाल छोटा नहीं होता. पर्सनल फ़ाइनांस, म्यूचुअल फ़ंड्स, या फिर स्टॉक्स पर बेझिझक अपने सवाल पूछिए, और हम आसान भाषा में आपको जवाब देंगे.