News Announcement

ND Metal Industries: Reply In Regarding To Delayed Submission Of Proceedings Of General Meetings.

I AJAY KUMAR GARG Managing Director of the Company Received a mail that Pursuant to provisions of Regulation 30(6) read with SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/123 dated July 13 2023 the listed entity shall first disclose to stock exchange(s) of all events as specified in Part A of Schedule III or information as soon as reasonably possible and not later than twelve hours from the occurrence of event or information. Provided that in case the disclosure is made after twelve hours of occurrence of the event or information the listed entity shall along with such disclosures provide explanation for delayI want to acknowledge that delay was observed for Submission of Proceedings of General Meetings was due to delay in providing information Scrutinizer because of technical error.

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कोई सवाल छोटा नहीं होता. पर्सनल फ़ाइनांस, म्यूचुअल फ़ंड्स, या फिर स्टॉक्स पर बेझिझक अपने सवाल पूछिए, और हम आसान भाषा में आपको जवाब देंगे.