हाल में देखा गया
सब क्लियर करें
$3,221 मिलियन
-8.66 %
0 %
$1,088.79 मिलियन
$859.15 मिलियन
$-619.63 मिलियन
1 महीना
3 महीने
1 साल
3 साल
5 साल
10 साल
Semtech (SMTC)
| -39.56 | -42.80 | -23.73 | 93.88 | -18.25 | -6.13 | 3.26 |
BSE Sensex
| -2.95 | -0.51 | -2.25 | 6.13 | 9.30 | 12.87 | 10.07 |
एस एंड पी स्मॉल-कैप 600#
| -5.82 | -5.34 | -13.73 | -6.30 | 5.30 | 2.98 | 5.53 |
Semtech (SMTC)
| 179.91 | -23.63 | -67.74 | 23.36 | 36.28 | 15.33 | 33.91 |
S&P Small-Cap 600
| 7.01 | 13.89 | -17.42 | 25.27 | 9.57 | 20.86 | -9.70 |
BSE Sensex
| 8.10 | 18.74 | 4.44 | 21.99 | 15.75 | 14.38 | 5.87 |
क्या कंपनी में सॉल्वेंसी का कोई ख़तरा है?
क्या अकाउंटिंग की किसी गड़बड़ी का अंदेशा है?
कंपनी का पिछले एक साल का प्रदर्शन कैसा रहा?
3Y Avg -- 5Y Avg -- TTM --
--निम्नतम --मीडियन --अधिकतम
--निम्नतम --मीडियन --अधिकतम
Earnings Yield (%) = EBIT / Enterprise value
Price = Price / Earnings to growth ratio
कंपनी |
मूल्य ($) | मार्केट कैप ($ मिलियन) | पी/ई रेशियो | रेट ऑफ़ इन्टरस्ट |
109.12 | 5,693.04 | 14.85 | 6.78 | |
64.42 | 8,888.09 | 146.41 | 8.71 | |
149.54 | 4,853.72 | -- | -16.69 | |
177.41 | 4,144.65 | -- | -13.3 |
Semtech Corporation designs, develops, manufactures, and markets analog and mixed-signal semiconductor and advanced algorithms. It provides signal integrity products, including a portfolio of optical data communications and video transport products used in various infrastructure, and industrial applications; a portfolio of integrated circuits for data centers, enterprise networks, passive optical networks, wireless base station optical transceivers, and high-speed interface applications; and video products for broadcast applications, as well as video-over-IP technology for professional audio... video applications. The company offers protection products, such as filter and termination devices that are integrated with the transient voltage suppressor devices, which protect electronic systems from voltage spikes; and sensing products comprising a portfolio of specialized radio frequency products used in various industrial, medical, and communications applications, as well as specialized sensing products. In addition, it provides switching voltage regulators, combination switching and linear regulators, smart regulators, isolated switches, and wireless charging related products. Further, it offers portfolio of IoT solutions, such as modules, gateways, routers, and connected services; and portfolio of connected services, including wireless connectivity and cloud-based services for industrial, medical and communications applications. The company serves original equipment manufacturers and industrial end-markets. It sells its products directly, as well as through independent sales representative firms and independent distributors in Asia- Pacific, North America, and Europe. Semtech Corporation was incorporated in 1960 and is headquartered in Camarillo, California. और पढ़ें
Mr. Asaf Silberstein
Mr. Asaf Silberstein
Camarillo, CA
Semtech Corporation (SMTC) की कुल एसेट वैल्यू 31-अक्तूबर-24 को $1,614 मिलियन थी.
Semtech Corporation (SMTC) का शेयर प्राइस 14-फ़रवरी-2025 16:20 EST तक $37.38 (NASDAQ) है. Semtech Corporation (SMTC) ने पिछले 3 साल में -18.25% फ़ीसदी का रिटर्न दिया है.
Semtech Corporation (SMTC) का मार्किट कैपिटलाइज़ेशन, 14-फ़रवरी-2025 तक $ 3,221 मिलियन है, VRO क्लासिफ़िकेशन के अनुसार ये एक स्मॉल-कैप कंपनी है.
14-फ़रवरी-2025 को Semtech Corporation (SMTC) का PB रेशियो 2.43 गुना है, जो इसके जैसी कंपनियों की औसत सीमा 3.18 गुना से 24% प्रीमियम पर है.
क्योंकि, Semtech Corporation (SMTC) की TTM अर्निंग नेगेटिव है, इसलिए P/E रेशियो मौजूद नहीं है.
स्टेप 1. ब्रोकर की मदद से एक डीमैट अकाउंट खोलें. KYC के लिए आपको अपना ईमेल, पैन, बैंक अकाउंट डिटेल, आधार के डिटेल आदि देने होंगे.
स्टेप 2. मोबाइल ऐप या वेबसाइट के ज़रिये ब्रोकर के एप्लिकेशन में साइन-इन करें. अपने ब्रोकर से मिली लॉग-इन आईडी और पासवर्ड का इस्तेमाल करें.
स्टेप 3. अपने बैंक अकाउंट से अपने ब्रोकरेज अकाउंट में मौजूद वॉलेट में फंड्स ट्रांसफ़र करें.
स्टेप 4. Semtech Corporation (SMTC) सर्च करें और आवश्यक संख्या में क्वांटिटी डालें और Semtech Corporation (SMTC) के शेयर ख़रीदने के लिए ख़रीदें पर क्लिक करें.
Semtech Corporation designs, develops, manufactures, and markets analog and mixed-signal semiconductor and advanced algorithms. It provides signal integrity products, including a portfolio of optical data communications and video transport products used in various infrastructure, and industrial applications; a portfolio of integrated circuits for data centers, enterprise networks, passive optical networks, wireless base station optical transceivers, and high-speed interface applications; and video products for broadcast applications, as well as video-over-IP technology for professional audio video applications. The company offers protection products, such as filter and termination devices that are integrated with the transient voltage suppressor devices, which protect electronic systems from voltage spikes; and sensing products comprising a portfolio of specialized radio frequency products used in various industrial, medical, and communications applications, as well as specialized sensing products. In addition, it provides switching voltage regulators, combination switching and linear regulators, smart regulators, isolated switches, and wireless charging related products. Further, it offers portfolio of IoT solutions, such as modules, gateways, routers, and connected services; and portfolio of connected services, including wireless connectivity and cloud-based services for industrial, medical and communications applications. The company serves original equipment manufacturers and industrial end-markets. It sells its products directly, as well as through independent sales representative firms and independent distributors in Asia- Pacific, North America, and Europe. Semtech Corporation was incorporated in 1960 and is headquartered in Camarillo, California.
श्री आसफ सिल्बरस्टीन Semtech Corporation (SMTC) के CEO और डायरेक्टर हैं, और श्री आसफ सिल्बरस्टीन CFO और सीनियर VP हैं.
Semtech Corporation (SMTC) में कोई प्रमोटर प्लेजिंग नहीं रखता है.
पीयर्स या इसी जैसी कुछ दूसरी कंपनियां
कंपनी | मार्केट कैप($ मिलियन) |
Semtech Corporation (SMTC) | रेशियो |
इक्विटी पर रिटर्न(%)
ऑपरेटिंग मार्जिन(%)
नेट मार्जिन(%)
डिविडेंड यील्ड(%)
नहीं, Semtech Corporation (SMTC) का टैक्स के बाद TTM प्रॉफिट $0 मिलियन था.