हाल में देखा गया
सब क्लियर करें
14-फ़रवरी-2025 16:10 तकEST
$8,689 मिलियन
0.52 %
38.95 %
0.88 %
$6,690.50 मिलियन
$7,024.00 मिलियन
$4,317.80 मिलियन
1 महीना
3 महीने
1 साल
3 साल
5 साल
10 साल
Allison Transmission Holdings (ALSN)
| -3.25 | -6.85 | -12.10 | 69.89 | 38.61 | 18.71 | 12.61 |
BSE Sensex
| -2.95 | -0.51 | -2.25 | 6.13 | 9.30 | 12.87 | 10.07 |
एस एंड पी स्मॉल-कैप 600#
| -5.82 | -5.34 | -13.73 | -6.30 | 5.30 | 2.98 | 5.53 |
Allison Transmission Holdings (ALSN)
| 84.89 | 39.78 | 14.44 | -14.08 | -9.08 | 11.50 | 3.32 |
S&P Small-Cap 600
| 7.01 | 13.89 | -17.42 | 25.27 | 9.57 | 20.86 | -9.70 |
BSE Sensex
| 8.10 | 18.74 | 4.44 | 21.99 | 15.75 | 14.38 | 5.87 |
क्या कंपनी में सॉल्वेंसी का कोई ख़तरा है?
क्या अकाउंटिंग की किसी गड़बड़ी का अंदेशा है?
कंपनी का पिछले एक साल का प्रदर्शन कैसा रहा?
3Y Avg -- 5Y Avg -- TTM --
--निम्नतम --मीडियन --अधिकतम
--निम्नतम --मीडियन --अधिकतम
Earnings Yield (%) = EBIT / Enterprise value
Price = Price / Earnings to growth ratio
कंपनी |
मूल्य ($) | मार्केट कैप ($ मिलियन) | पी/ई रेशियो | रेट ऑफ़ इन्टरस्ट |
98.05 | 7,318.97 | -- | -9.12 | |
36.35 | 1,167.24 | 11.32 | 68.22 | |
20.48 | 585.98 | 64 | 1.06 | |
45.52 | 3,022.53 | 9.05 | 19.12 |
Allison Transmission Holdings, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, designs, manufactures, and sells fully automatic transmissions for medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles and medium- and heavy-tactical U.S. defense vehicles, and electrified propulsion systems worldwide. It provides commercial-duty on-highway, off-highway and defense fully automatic transmissions, and electric hybrid and fully electric systems. The company offers transmissions for various applications, including distribution, refuse, construction, fire, and emergency on-highway trucks; school and transit buses; motor... homes; energy, mining, and construction off-highway vehicles and equipment; and wheeled and tracked defense vehicles. It provides its transmissions and electric propulsion solutions under the Allison Transmission brand name; and remanufactured transmissions under the ReTran brand name. The company also sells branded replacement parts, support equipment, aluminum die cast components, and other products necessary to service the installed base of vehicles utilizing its solutions, as well as defense kits, engineering services, and extended transmission coverage services to various original equipment manufacturers, distributors, and the U.S. government. It serves customers through an independent network of approximately 1,600 independent distributor and dealer locations. The company was formerly known as Clutch Holdings, Inc. Allison Transmission Holdings, Inc. was founded in 1915 and is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. और पढ़ें
Mr. David S. Graziosi
Mr. David S. Graziosi CPA
Indianapolis, IN
Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) की कुल एसेट वैल्यू 31-दिसंबर-24 को $-- थी.
Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) का शेयर प्राइस 14-फ़रवरी-2025 16:10 EST तक $104.55 (NYSE) है. Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) ने पिछले 3 साल में 38.61% फ़ीसदी का रिटर्न दिया है.
Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) का मार्किट कैपिटलाइज़ेशन, 14-फ़रवरी-2025 तक $ 8,689 मिलियन है, VRO क्लासिफ़िकेशन के अनुसार ये एक स्मॉल-कैप कंपनी है.
14-फ़रवरी-2025 का P/E रेशियो Allison Transmission Holdings Inc. (ALSN).तक 12.23 गुना है.
स्टेप 1. ब्रोकर की मदद से एक डीमैट अकाउंट खोलें. KYC के लिए आपको अपना ईमेल, पैन, बैंक अकाउंट डिटेल, आधार के डिटेल आदि देने होंगे.
स्टेप 2. मोबाइल ऐप या वेबसाइट के ज़रिये ब्रोकर के एप्लिकेशन में साइन-इन करें. अपने ब्रोकर से मिली लॉग-इन आईडी और पासवर्ड का इस्तेमाल करें.
स्टेप 3. अपने बैंक अकाउंट से अपने ब्रोकरेज अकाउंट में मौजूद वॉलेट में फंड्स ट्रांसफ़र करें.
स्टेप 4. Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) सर्च करें और आवश्यक संख्या में क्वांटिटी डालें और Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) के शेयर ख़रीदने के लिए ख़रीदें पर क्लिक करें.
Allison Transmission Holdings, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, designs, manufactures, and sells fully automatic transmissions for medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles and medium- and heavy-tactical U.S. defense vehicles, and electrified propulsion systems worldwide. It provides commercial-duty on-highway, off-highway and defense fully automatic transmissions, and electric hybrid and fully electric systems. The company offers transmissions for various applications, including distribution, refuse, construction, fire, and emergency on-highway trucks; school and transit buses; motor homes; energy, mining, and construction off-highway vehicles and equipment; and wheeled and tracked defense vehicles. It provides its transmissions and electric propulsion solutions under the Allison Transmission brand name; and remanufactured transmissions under the ReTran brand name. The company also sells branded replacement parts, support equipment, aluminum die cast components, and other products necessary to service the installed base of vehicles utilizing its solutions, as well as defense kits, engineering services, and extended transmission coverage services to various original equipment manufacturers, distributors, and the U.S. government. It serves customers through an independent network of approximately 1,600 independent distributor and dealer locations. The company was formerly known as Clutch Holdings, Inc. Allison Transmission Holdings, Inc. was founded in 1915 and is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.
श्री डेविड एस. ग्राजीओसी Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) के CEO और डायरेक्टर हैं, और Mr. David S. Graziosi CPA CFO और सीनियर VP हैं.
Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) में कोई प्रमोटर प्लेजिंग नहीं रखता है.
पीयर्स या इसी जैसी कुछ दूसरी कंपनियां
कंपनी | मार्केट कैप($ मिलियन) |
Allison Transmission Holdings Inc. (ALSN) | रेशियो |
इक्विटी पर रिटर्न(%)
ऑपरेटिंग मार्जिन(%)
नेट मार्जिन(%)
डिविडेंड यील्ड(%)
नहीं, Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) का टैक्स के बाद TTM प्रॉफिट $0 मिलियन था.