हाल में देखा गया
सब क्लियर करें
20-दिसंबर-2024 16:28 तकEST
$85,149 मिलियन
-0.18 %
13.24 %
0 %
$588.08 मिलियन
$1,381.96 मिलियन
$-1,307.31 मिलियन
1 महीना
3 महीने
1 साल
3 साल
5 साल
10 साल
MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR)
| 476.61 | -15.41 | 151.76 | 537.49 | 85.39 | 90.29 | 36.34 |
BSE Sensex
| 8.03 | 0.60 | -6.18 | 9.25 | 11.03 | 13.37 | 11.05 |
एस एंड पी 100
| 30.39 | 1.83 | 6.15 | 30.24 | 10.98 | 15.32 | 12.29 |
MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR)
| 346.15 | -74.00 | 40.13 | 172.42 | 11.65 | -2.69 | -33.49 |
S&P 100
| 30.83 | -22.12 | 27.55 | 19.30 | 29.47 | -5.82 | 19.34 |
BSE Sensex
| 18.74 | 4.44 | 21.99 | 15.75 | 14.38 | 5.87 | 27.91 |
क्या कंपनी में सॉल्वेंसी का कोई ख़तरा है?
क्या अकाउंटिंग की किसी गड़बड़ी का अंदेशा है?
कंपनी का पिछले एक साल का प्रदर्शन कैसा रहा?
3Y Avg -- 5Y Avg -- TTM --
--निम्नतम --मीडियन --अधिकतम
--निम्नतम --मीडियन --अधिकतम
Earnings Yield (%) = EBIT / Enterprise value
Price = Price / Earnings to growth ratio
कंपनी |
मूल्य ($) | मार्केट कैप ($ मिलियन) | पी/ई रेशियो | रेट ऑफ़ इन्टरस्ट |
301.47 | 82,618.98 | 79.27 | 25.56 | |
436.60 | 3,251,942.20 | 36.09 | 33.47 | |
80.55 | 183,494.52 | 402.75 | 11.39 | |
1,091.25 | 221,763.94 | 166.65 | 15.36 |
MicroStrategy Incorporated provides artificial intelligence-powered enterprise analytics software and services in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and internationally. It offers MicroStrategy ONE, which provides non-technical users with the ability to directly access novel and actionable insights for decision-making; and MicroStrategy Cloud for Government service, which offers always-on threat monitoring that meets the rigorous technical and regulatory needs of governments and financial institutions. The company also provides MicroStrategy Support that helps customers... achieve their system availability and usage goals through highly responsive troubleshooting and assistance; MicroStrategy Consulting, which provides architecture and implementation services to help customers realize their desired results; and MicroStrategy Education that offers free and paid learning options. In addition, it engages in the development of bitcoin. The company offers its services through direct sales force and channel partners. It serves the U.S. government, state and local governments, and government agencies, as well as a range of industries, including retail, banking, technology, manufacturing, insurance, consulting, healthcare, telecommunications, and the public sector. The company was incorporated in 1989 and is headquartered in Tysons Corner, Virginia. Address: 1850 Towers Crescent Plaza, Tysons Corner, VA, United States, 22182 और पढ़ें
Mr. Michael J. Saylor
Mr. Michael J. Saylor
Tysons Corner, VA
MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) की कुल एसेट वैल्यू 30-सितंबर-24 को $8,632 मिलियन थी.
MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) का शेयर प्राइस 20-दिसंबर-2024 16:28 EST तक $364.20 (NASDAQ) है. MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) ने पिछले 3 साल में 85.39% फ़ीसदी का रिटर्न दिया है.
MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) का मार्किट कैपिटलाइज़ेशन, 19-दिसंबर-2024 तक $ 85,149 मिलियन है, VRO क्लासिफ़िकेशन के अनुसार ये एक लार्ज कैप कंपनी है.
19-दिसंबर-2024 को MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) का PB रेशियो 22.56 गुना है, जो इसके जैसी कंपनियों की औसत सीमा 9.81 गुना से 130% प्रीमियम पर है.
क्योंकि, MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) की TTM अर्निंग नेगेटिव है, इसलिए P/E रेशियो मौजूद नहीं है.
स्टेप 1. ब्रोकर की मदद से एक डीमैट अकाउंट खोलें. KYC के लिए आपको अपना ईमेल, पैन, बैंक अकाउंट डिटेल, आधार के डिटेल आदि देने होंगे.
स्टेप 2. मोबाइल ऐप या वेबसाइट के ज़रिये ब्रोकर के एप्लिकेशन में साइन-इन करें. अपने ब्रोकर से मिली लॉग-इन आईडी और पासवर्ड का इस्तेमाल करें.
स्टेप 3. अपने बैंक अकाउंट से अपने ब्रोकरेज अकाउंट में मौजूद वॉलेट में फंड्स ट्रांसफ़र करें.
स्टेप 4. MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) सर्च करें और आवश्यक संख्या में क्वांटिटी डालें और MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) के शेयर ख़रीदने के लिए ख़रीदें पर क्लिक करें.
MicroStrategy Incorporated provides artificial intelligence-powered enterprise analytics software and services in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and internationally. It offers MicroStrategy ONE, which provides non-technical users with the ability to directly access novel and actionable insights for decision-making; and MicroStrategy Cloud for Government service, which offers always-on threat monitoring that meets the rigorous technical and regulatory needs of governments and financial institutions. The company also provides MicroStrategy Support that helps customers achieve their system availability and usage goals through highly responsive troubleshooting and assistance; MicroStrategy Consulting, which provides architecture and implementation services to help customers realize their desired results; and MicroStrategy Education that offers free and paid learning options. In addition, it engages in the development of bitcoin. The company offers its services through direct sales force and channel partners. It serves the U.S. government, state and local governments, and government agencies, as well as a range of industries, including retail, banking, technology, manufacturing, insurance, consulting, healthcare, telecommunications, and the public sector. The company was incorporated in 1989 and is headquartered in Tysons Corner, Virginia. Address: 1850 Towers Crescent Plaza, Tysons Corner, VA, United States, 22182
श्री माइकल जे. सायलोर MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) के CEO और डायरेक्टर हैं, और श्री माइकल जे. सायलोर CFO और सीनियर VP हैं.
MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) में कोई प्रमोटर प्लेजिंग नहीं रखता है.
पीयर्स या इसी जैसी कुछ दूसरी कंपनियां
कंपनी | मार्केट कैप($ मिलियन) |
MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) | रेशियो |
इक्विटी पर रिटर्न(%)
ऑपरेटिंग मार्जिन(%)
नेट मार्जिन(%)
डिविडेंड यील्ड(%)
नहीं, MicroStrategy Incorporated Class A (MSTR) का टैक्स के बाद TTM प्रॉफिट $0 मिलियन था.