हाल में देखा गया
सब क्लियर करें
बोली लगाने की तारीख़
11-दिसंबर-2024 to
इश्यू साइज़
₹50 करोड़
प्राइस बैंड
₹72 to ₹76
एलोकेशन की तारीख़
लिस्टिंग की तारीख़
लॉट साइज़
शेयरों की न्यूनतम संख्या
ताज़ा इशू/OFS
₹50 करोड़ /--
Established in 2005, Supreme Facility Management Ltd is an integrated business services provider that focuses on offering Integrated Facility Management (IFM) services and other Support Services to businesses across various industries. Their operational footprint is primarily centered in West and Central India, with strong growth witnessed over the years. The company provides both soft services (housekeeping, cleaning, disinfection, pest control, horticulture, facade cleaning) and hard services (electrical, plumbing, HVAC, fire safety, waste management). They offer additional services like Employee Transportation (ET), Corporate Food Solution Services (CFSS), Supply Chain Management Services (SCM), and Production Support Services (PSS) as well. The company’s operations are mainly based on annuity-based service models, where revenue is generated over extended periods. This model supports client retention, cross-selling, and upselling of services.
Supreme Facility Management Ltd IPO का इश्यू साइज़ ₹50.00 करोड़ है.
Supreme Facility Management Ltd Business Services & Supplies इंडस्ट्री में आता है.
Supreme Facility Management Ltd BSE पर लिस्ट किया जाएगा.
Supreme Facility Management Ltd के खुलने और बंद होने की तारीख़ें 11-दिसंबर-2024 और 13-दिसंबर-2024 हैं.
Supreme Facility Management Ltd IPO के लिए प्राइस बैंड ₹72 to ₹76 है.
Supreme Facility Management Ltd की लिस्टिंग की तारीख़ 18-दिसंबर-2024 है
इस IPO का उद्देश्य ताज़ा पूंजी जुटाना है.
Supreme Facility Management Ltd का कुल सब्सक्रिप्शन रेशियो 25.7X है.
Supreme Facility Management Ltd की प्रमुख फ़ाइनेंशिल नंबर हैं:
Supreme Facility Management Ltd | FY-24 | FY-23 | FY-22 |
रेवेन्यू (₹ करोड़) | 355.39 | 329.59 | 236.01 |
EBIT (₹ करोड़) | 18.39 | 15.85 | 10.75 |
प्रॉफ़िट आफ़्टर टैक्स (₹ करोड़) | 7.42 | 5.54 | 3.88 |
डेट (₹ करोड़) | 69.79 | 69.16 | 41.65 |
नेट वर्थ (₹ करोड़) | 34.83 | 27.95 | 22.42 |
रेट ऑफ़ इन्टरस्ट (%) | 21.3 | 19.82 | 17.31 |